Quantum features and signatures of quantum thermal machines

Authors: Amikam Levy and David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky Published on: Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime: Fundamental Aspects and New Directions: 87 (2018) Key Question: What are better quantum or classical heat machines? View Publication arXiv People also read: More Publications
Reproducing Quantum Probability Distributions at the Speed of Classical Dynamics: A New Approach for Developing Force-Field Functors

Authors: Vikram Sundar, David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky and Alán Aspuru-Guzik Published on: JPCL 9, 1721 (2018) Key Question: How to include quantum effects in molecular dynamics simulations? View Publication arXiv People also read: More Publications
High-voltage-assisted mechanical stabilization of single-molecule junctions

Authors: David Gelbwaser-KlimovskyAlán Aspuru-Guzik, Michael Thoss and Uri Peskin Published on: Nano Letters 18, 4727 (2018) Key Question: Could you stabilize molecule junctions by increasing the voltage? View Publication arXiv People also read: More Publications
Two-level masers as heat-to-work converters

Authors: Arnab Ghosh, David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, Wolfgang Niedenzub, Alexander I. Lvovskye, Igor Mazets, Marlan O. Scullyk and Gershon Kurizki Published on: PNAS 115, 9941 (2018) Key Question: How to build a quantum heat engine with a maser? View Publication arXiv People also read: More Publications
Fundamental constraints on quantum fluctuations: Conservation laws, reality, and no-signaling

Authors: Thales A. B. Pinto Silva and David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky Published on: arXiv:2502.12905 Key Question: How to describe the fluctuations of variations of energy, charge, or any other physical quantity? View Publication arXiv People also read: More Publications
Quantum work: Reconciling quantum mechanics and thermodynamics

Authors: Thales Pinto Silva and David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky Published on: Physical Review Research 6 (2), L022036 Key Question: Is there any work protocol that satisfies the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics? View Publication arXiv People also read: More Publications
Thermalization without detailed balance: population oscillations in the absence of coherences

Authors: Shay Blum and David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky Published on: arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.15991 Key Question: How could you have population oscillations without quantum coherences? How systems that violate detailed balance thermalize? What is the role of exceptional points in thermalization? View Publication arXiv People also read: More Publications
Violation of Detailed Balance in Quantum Open Systems

Authors: Robert Alicki, Milan Šindelka, and David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky Published on: Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 040401 (2023) Key Question: Is detailed balance necessary for thermal equilibration? View Publication arXiv People also read: More Publications
Cooperative efficiency boost for quantum heat engines

Non-Equilibrium Quantum Heat Machines

Authors: Robert Alicki and David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky Published on: New J. Phys. 17 115012 Key Question: What are the bounds of heat machines operating with non-equilibrium heat baths? View Publication arXiv People also read: More Publications